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简单介绍一下f1方程式赛车的有关情况英语 f1方程式赛车的英文

  • 发布时间:2023-06-09 19:56:11 作者:Anita

一、用英语简单介绍一下NBA?The National Basketball Association (NBA) is the world‘s premier men‘s professional basketball league and one of the major professional sports leagues of North America....


The National Basketball Association (NBA) is the world's premier men's professional basketball league and one of the major professional sports leagues of North America.


We watched the lions from the safety of the

The lions closed in on their prey.  

Lions can never be completely tamed.  

The lion was stalking a zebra


Pairs is the capital of France,with a history of more than 1,400 years, Paris is the political, economic and cultural center, not only in France, but also in Western Europe."Capital of Romance" Paris is considered the starting point of the modern Olympic movement.

















本文由智联校园 学生姜柳燕 执笔



1、华佗发明了麻沸散和五禽戏; 2、《三国演义》里有华佗为关羽刮骨疗伤的故事; 3、曹操得了头风病,日益严重华佗应召前来诊视后,在曹操胸椎部的鬲俞穴进针,片刻便脑清目明,疼痛立止。





Yue fei worship teacher Zhou Tong shaanxi martial arts, through summer and winter, hard not compose, under the guidance of teacher, the wife finally developed family rob, become a generation of science.


Muhammad Ali is an American former boxer and three-time World Heavyweight Champion, who is widely considered one of the greatest heavyweight championship boxers of all time.

As an amateur, he won a gold medal in the light heavyweight division at the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome.

Originally known as Cassius Clay, Ali changed his name after joining the Nation of Islam in 1964, subsequently converting to Islam in 1975.

In 1967, Ali refused to be conscripted into the US military, based on his religious beliefs and opposition to the Vietnam War.

He was arrested and found guilty on draft evasion charges, stripped of his boxing title, and his boxing license was suspended.

Nicknamed “The Greatest”, Ali was involved in several historic boxing matches.

He suffered only five losses (four decisions and one TKO by retirement from the bout) with no draws in his career, while amassing 56 wins (37 knockouts and 19 decisions).

These personality quips and idioms, along with an unorthodox fighting technique, made him a cultural icon. In later life, Ali developed Parkinson’s disease.

In 1999, Ali was crowned “Sportsman of the Century” by Sports Illustrated and “Sports Personality of the Century” by the BBC.


Shanxi Province got its name due to its location to the west of Taihang Mountain.Shanxi neighbored on Hebei,Henan,Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia & Autonomous Region.It is located to the east of the Yellow River,and is also known as Hedong.Shanxi belonged to Jin State in Spring and Autumn Period,so it is abbreviated in Jin.Shanxi occupies an area of 156,000 square kilometers (about 60,000 square miles) and has a population of over 32 million,including its minority ethnic population.Its capital is Taiyuan City.

  When to go

  Being at a high altitude,Shanxi Province has a cold and dry climate and has an annual rainfall of between 400-600 millimeters.The province is also frequently plagued by sandstorms,especially in the spring,so it is often useful to bring along both sunglasses and a hat when visiting.Generally speaking,the province's climate is the best between May and October.


  Shanxi is one of the birth places of Chinese civilizations with a long history and traditional culture.As early as one hundred million years ago,the ancestors of the Chinese lived and propagated in this region.Legend tells us that the Yellow Emperor,founder of the Chinese nation,once lived in Shanxi for a certain period.Today,many Neolithic sites from that period can still be seen dotted across the vast expanse of the province.

  What to see

  Shanxi is endowed with an abundance of cultural sites from its long history.Most of the ancient structures were built before the Liao and Song Dynasties.So it is the reason why Shanxi is often called the 'Chinese Ancient Architecture Museum'.The more obvious of these include:the Buddhist wonder of the Yungang Grottoes in Datong City,the ancient city of Pingyao which was listed as a World Cultural Heritage site by UNESCO in 1997,the oldest and tallest ancient wooden pagoda in China,the Wooden Pagoda of Yingxian County and the remote Shuanglin and Jinci Temples,which are well worth the long journeys for the visitors.

  Of course,there are a number of natural magnificent and beautiful places that can also be seen in Shanxi.The most famous of them include Wutai Mountain with the longest and most prestigious history in the four most well-known Buddhist holy lands of China,the whistling rage of the Yellow River's Kettle Spout waterfalls (Hukou Waterfalls) and one of the Five Sacred Mountains in China - Mt Hengshan.


Chang 'an Square is a good place with beautiful scenery and fresh air.  

Chunhua Garden in Chang 'an Square is planted with lush willows and cypresses. As soon as you enter, the beautiful willows will flutter with the waves, and welcome visitors warmly. There is a rose garden inside, and colorful roses are sending out faint fragrance, which is really fragrant!


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